Baltic Media Wishes You a Prosperous New Year!
Dear Partners and Vendors,

Year 2012 has been rich in new adventures, big opportunities, plenty of challenges and a lot of success stories for our company. As the most heart-warming holidays approach, we would like to express our sincere thanks to our:
- Translators - for providing smooth translations and giving a helpful hand to our PMs in tight deadlines! It has been a real team-work and feeling of community.
- Interpreters - for doing excellent job wherever and whenever required and for never letting us down!
- Editors - for spending hours in checking terminology and meeting our PMs’ expectations during the whole year of 2012!
- Proofreaders - for working hard to polish translations till the very last detail which let us present the text to our loyal customers as if was gift-wrapped!
- DTP specialists - for making even technical texts look shiny and bright!
- Language teachers - for inspiring students to take further steps in their lives and careers!
- Notary - for putting a full stop at the end of each translation project thus making our work officially approved.
- Many other language service providers without whom we would not be able to reach our goals and satisfy our clients.
- All our customers from all parts of the world for whom we are ready to make the impossible possible!
From the depths of our hearts we wish you a wonderful and warm Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! May all your good wishes come true!
Baltic Media team
Guntars, Sandra, Aigars, Kaspars, Evita, Marite, Agnese, Katrina, Ivars, Aldis, Hedviga and Olegas
Guntars, Sandra, Aigars, Kaspars, Evita, Marite, Agnese, Katrina, Ivars, Aldis, Hedviga and Olegas