ISO Certified Language Service Provider with 30 Years of Experience
Start Course ⭐️ If the courses you need are not on the list, ask us and we'll schedule them for you! Level Days Hours
20.01.2025. Intensive English language tuition Online   B1/1 Mon, Wed 18:00-20:15
20.01.2025. Latvian language tuition Online (Lessons will be held in English)  A2/1 Mon, Wed 18:00-19:30
21.01.2025 Latvian language course Online (lessons will be held in Russian)  A1/1 Tue, Thu 18:00-20:15
27.01.2025. German language tuition online (Lessons will be held in Latvian)  A1/1 Mon., Fri., 18:00 - 20:15
28.01.2025. Latvian language course for foreigners Online (Lessons will be held in English)  A1/1 Tue, Thu 18:00-19:30
28.01.2025 Latvian language course Online (Lessons will be held in Russian)  A2/1 Tue., Thu. 18:00-19:30
03.02.2025. Corporate Connections: Advanced English for B2B and B2C Interactions - Onine  B2-C2 Mon., Thu. 19:00 - 20:30
04.02.2025. Italian language tuition Online  A1/1 Tue., Thu. 18:00-19:30
25.02.2025. Russian language course (lessons will be held in Latvian)  A2/1 18:00-19:30
04.03.2025 Latvian language course for foreigners Online (Lessons will be held in English)  A1/1 Tue, Thur 18:00-19:30

Italian language tuition Online

Venue: Online

Language of interaction: Latvian, Italian

Course end date: 24/04/2025

Number of lessons: 24 (48 academic hours)

Discount: -0%

Full course price incl VAT: EUR 339.00

Additional information:
Application is not legally binding until the signing of the agreement. After the completion of the course participants are issued a certificate corfirming the level of the obtained knowledge.

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